In 1991, I taught a Bible study as the Chaplain of my sorority and first discovered that teaching is where my passions meet my gifts.
Growing up, I felt reading the BIble was boring and laborious. My performance faith viewed it mostly as a task to check-off my list.
Through opportunities of excellent teaching and the impact of events like the IF Gathering, I’ve grown to love the Word more and more.
I’m fascinated with the Bible’s depths and riches.
I’m awed with its timelessness, applicable to every generation and season.
I love exploring how Scripture confirms Scripture, connecting Old Testament and New, one book to another, and seeing indeed that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
I don’t take the responsibility of teaching and speaking lightly, believing that stepping into these roles requires careful preparation and humbling myself to the Biblical standards for those who teach.
I’ve created a 19-step process of research and study to guide my writing. Likewise, I handle my preparation to speak or teach on any subject or setting with great care and time, wanting to steward every opportunity well in my lifelong pursuit to throw all my time and talents to the unseen kingdom and FINISH EMPTY.
Since 1991, I’ve taught in my home, in classrooms, and in large group settings. I’ve spoken to mom’s groups, women’s ministries, and family camp break-out groups of varying sizes. For 29-years I’ve done adoption training as well as parent education and coaching as an LMSW (Licensed Master of Social Work).
I look forward to hearing about your needs and how I can tailor a one-time event or short season of teaching, virtually or in-person, to meet those needs.